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Text File | 1992-11-30 | 7.1 KB | 172 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Raw to POV-Ray Converter v1.6
- Copyright (c) 1992 Steve Anger
- RAW2POV converts lists of triangle coordinates in raw ASCII text format to
- POV-Ray 1.0 compatible scene files. The program automatically adds nested
- bounding shapes and generates smooth triangles. The triangle data can be
- organized in one of three formats:
- 1) Default - Nine numbers per triangle
- Ax Ay Az Bx By Bz Cx Cy Cz
- e.g. -3.5 -4.1 -5.0 -3.9 -6.2 -5.0 -3.4 -6.2 -7.0
- 2) Fractint colour (-fc) - Twelve numbers per triangle
- R G B Ax Ay Az Bx By Bz Cx Cy Cz
- e.g. 1.0 1.0 0.0 -3.5 -4.1 -5.0 -3.9 -6.2 -5.0 -3.4 -6.2 -7.0
- 3) Texture names (-ft) - Nine numbers and one texture name per triangle
- Ax Ay Az Bx By Bz Cx Cy Cz TEXTURE
- e.g. -3.5 -4.1 -5.0 -3.9 -6.2 -5.0 -3.4 -6.2 -7.0 RedPlastic
- Ax, Ay, etc are the x,y,z coordinates of the three triangle vertices A, B,
- and C. R, G, and B represent the Red, Green, and Blue components of the
- triangle colour and range from 0.0 to 1.0. TEXTURE is a string indicating
- the texture name. The numbers/names can be separated by spaces, tabs, or
- carriage returns.
- Non-numeric identifiers can be used to separate groups of triangles
- representing different objects. See CHESS.RAW for an example.
- Hardware Requirements:
- Two version of the executable are included in this archive, RAW2POV.EXE and
- RAW2POVX.EXE. The first version will run on all machines from XT's to 486's
- but is only capable of using 640k of memory. The second version requires a
- minimum of a 386 with a co-pro to run but can use all available memory plus
- up to 128M of virtual memory.
- Note: I've experienced some problems with the GCC 2.2.2 compile (raw2povx.exe)
- when converting very large raw files. Usually the computer reboots or locks
- up. So far this appears to affect my machine only, however if you encounter
- any problems like this let me know and I'll try to track it down. Include
- your hardware and memory manager setup if possible.
- Usage: raw2pov inputfile[.raw] [outputfile[.pov]] [options]
- Options:
- -snnn - Generates smooth triangles. The boundary between triangles are only
- smoothed if the angle between the triangles is less that nnn deg.
- -s0 will not smooth any triangles while -s180 will smooth all
- triangles. Values from -s45 to -s90 usually work well. If
- unspecified smoothing defaults to -s60.
- -1 - Optimize all of the input objects as a single object. By default all
- objects are optimized separately and then combined. This option may
- produce better results in some cases, especially if the input file
- contains a large number of very small objects.
- -x - Exchanges the Y and Z coordinates of all triangle vertices. Useful
- if the input file was generated from a program that uses the Z
- coordinate as vertical rather that the Y coord as is normally used in
- POV-Ray.
- -v - Turn on verbose status messages.
- -fc - Specifies that the input file is in Fractint style colour format
- with 12 numbers per triangle.
- -ft - Specified that the input file contains texture names.
- ex. raw2pov chess.raw chess.pov -s60 -v
- Note: Smooth triangles will only work properly if the input file uses
- consistent vertex ordering. Most CAD packages that output triangular data
- will already have the data in the proper order. DXF2DKB is one program that
- does NOT preserve vertex order so you cannot use data extracted from a
- DXF2DKB generated file.
- Changes in v1.6
- - Put the named texture feature back in with a command line option to turn
- it on (-ft). A few people missed it.
- Changed in v1.5
- - Outputs POV-Ray 1.0 format files only.
- - Uses the new box primitive available in POV-Ray 1.0 as a bounding shape.
- - Accepts unformatted input rather than the one triangle per line format
- used with previous versions.
- Changes in v1.4
- - Name changed from TXT2POV to RAW2POV.
- - Now outputs only lower case keywords. I'll assume nobody's using DKB any
- more.
- - Allows you to swap the Y and Z axis when converting for those files that
- use the Z coord as vertical.
- - Automatically removes illegal characters in object/texture names.
- - Better rejection of degenerate triangles.
- - Little bug fixes here and there.
- Changes in v1.3
- - Name changed from TXT2DKB to TXT2POV although the version number was not
- reset. The output files should be compatible with both DKB 2.12 and POV
- 0.50 beta.
- - Nothing new as far as faster rendering times. :(
- - The graphic preview was getting to be a pain to maintain in this version so
- I dropped it.
- - Protected mode compile (TXT2POVX) is now VCPI compliant and should work
- with most 386 memory managers. Desqview and Windows are still no-no's.
- - Now outputs both a data (.dat) file and a separate include (.inc) file
- instead of one big data file.
- - Generated files are about 30% smaller.
- - You can now specify object and texture names in the input file.
- Changes in v1.2:
- - Added nested bounding shapes for improved rendering times (especially for
- very large objects). Uses a mangled version of the octree method.
- - Bounding shapes optionally shown in preview.
- Changes in v1.1:
- - The optimization routines can now handle input files that contain very
- large numbers of different colours such as those generated by Fractint.
- Bench Marks:
- ------ Render Time -------
- Optimization Before After Speed-up
- Object Triangles Index * Optimization Optimization Factor
- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --------
- CHAIR 2331 43.2 506s 34s 14.9
- SKULL 1489 16.1 626s 107s 5.9
- CAR1 3357 33.9 1245s 86s 14.5
- CHESS2 12583 165.5 7755s 234s 33.1
- PLASMA 3672 52.9 2235s 99s 22.6
- ROBOTECH 2488 27.3 727s 57s 12.8
- VENUS 1417 19.2 349s 46s 7.6
- * Bounding index reported by RAW2POV
- All images rendered at 80x50 on 20Mhz 386/387. Results should be scalable to
- higher resolutions. Note: These benchmarks are for version 1.4 of raw2pov.
- Speedups should be much better for version 1.6.
- Files:
- RAW2POV.C - Source code for converter
- RAYOPT.C - Source code for optimizer
- RAYOPT.H - " " " "
- RAW2POV.EXE - Raw to POV executable (compiled with Borland C++). Can handle
- files of up to approximately 4500 triangles. Less when
- generating smooth triangles.
- RAW2POVX.EXE - 32 bit version of converter (compiled with MS-DOS GNU C++
- v1.05). Limited only by available memory and disk space.
- Requires 386 /w 387 or 486 CPU. 2Mb or more of RAM is
- recommended.
- RAW2POV.DOC - What you're reading.
- RAYOPT.DOC - A brief description of the optimization code routines.
- CHESS.RAW - Example of RAW input file format.
- CompuServe: 70714,3113
- You Can Call me Ray BBS: (708)358-5611